why cant i breathe through my nose

Exercise Daily – Do you ever wonder why cant I breathe through my nose? Take a deep breath in through your mouth and out through your nose. Consider whether or not you’ve noticed that air flows easily through both sides of your nose. 

In other words, is it difficult for the air to circulate through space?

Having difficulty breathing through your nose might be an indication that you want the services of an ENT specialist. When you have difficulty breathing, an otolaryngologist (also known as an ENT doctor or Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) may assist you in determining the underlying cause of the problem.

Sometimes it’s straightforward to resolve the difficulties and restore your ability to breathe freely. The suggested therapy, on the other hand, is determined by the underlying cause of your breathing problems.

Reasons Why You Can’t Breathe Through your Nose

why cant i breathe through my nose

When you see an ENT, they will do a physical exam, and talk with you about your symptoms. He or she might utilize additional diagnostic tools to establish the underlying reason for your breathing problems as well. 

The ultimate objective is to arrive at a correct diagnosis. The medical staff will then be able to assist you in developing an appropriate treatment plan. In those who have difficulty breathing via their nose, chronic sinusitis and nasal blockage are the two most prevalent explanations.

If you think why cant I breathe through my nose, these can be the answers:


Sinusitis is a recurrent disorder that causes congestion and inflammation in the sinus cavities and is caused by bacteria. If you experience a persistent post-nasal drip, repeated sinus infections, or other persistent nose troubles, speak with our specialists about sinusitis therapy.

Another possibility is that you have a nasal blockage, which is the root cause of your breathing difficulties. This occurs when the nasal cavity is obstructed by one or more of the concerns listed below:

  • Allergies
  • Head cold
  • Sinus infection
  • Medication

Nasal Obstruction

The majority of the time, nasal blockage is transitory that disappears after the underlying reason has been resolved. Taking a deep breath via your nose will become simpler once you have recovered from a head cold, for example.

However, there are certain cases in which nasal blockage necessitates medical intervention. For example, there might be a physical problem that is preventing the sinus cavity from functioning properly. The following are examples of common issues:

Nasal polyps

It refers to noncancerous growths on the lining of your sinuses or nasal passages that are painless and soft.

Deviated septum

The nasal septum is a wall-like structure that divides your right and left nostrils. If your nasal septum deviates, your right nostril will be larger than your left nostril. A deviated septum is a term used to describe a septum that is crooked. 

If you wonder why cant I breathe through my nose, deviated septum is to blame. Septal deviations affect a large number of people to some degree. A runny nose and difficulty breathing through your nose are some of the symptoms of this condition.

Inferior turbinate hypertrophy

Inferior turbinate hypertrophy is a condition in which the turbinates (bony structures) in your nasal cavity get enlarged. This is a result of irritation from dust and allergies. Swelling and trouble breathing are the results of this.

Oversized adenoids

Your adenoids are glands that reside above the roof of your mouth and behind your nose. When they are too large, they might cause breathing difficulties and snore.

Choanal atresia

Choanal atresia is a congenital abnormality in which there is excess tissue in your nasal airway, producing a complete or partial obstruction of your nasal airway and making it difficult to breathe.


This is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa as a result of allergies.

Some cases of nasal breathing problems caused by foreign objects in the nose in young children have been reported. An ENT can aid with the removal of tiny toys, crayon bits, food, beads, erasers, buttons, dried beans, etc. 

Treatments for Sinusitis and Nasal Blockages

why cant i breathe through my nose

The first important step before we can design a treatment strategy for your problem is to get an accurate diagnosis. Once this is accomplished, we may proceed with more confidence that your therapy will provide the relief you are seeking.

If it’s sinusitis behind why cant I breathe through my nose, you should try treatments.

Acute sinusitis causes persistent congestion, which leads to nasal blockage. To treat sinusitis, we must first address the infection that is producing inflammation. A round of antibiotics might sometimes be all that is required in order to wipe out the bacteria.

Some sinus infections need allergy therapy or the elimination of airborne irritants such as secondhand smoke, pollen, and dust particles. Any other causes of irritation might also aggravate the condition.

The following are some of the most common sinusitis treatment options:

  • Antibiotics
  • Steroid nasal sprays
  • Surgery for structural problems
  • Avoiding environmental irritants
  • Antihistamine medications
  • Antifungal medications

Other Nasal Obstructions and Their Treatments

If you are experiencing breathing difficulties as a result of other forms of nasal blockages, your treatment strategy will be different. The use of surgical procedures is increasingly usual in this case. The following are examples of common nasal blockage treatments:

  • Getting rid of adenoid
  • Surgery to reduce the size of the turbinates
  • Sinuplasty
  • A deviated septum
  • If it is due to sleep apnea, a CPAP machine should be used.

The location of the bones and tissues inside the nose will have an impact on the amount of air that can travel through the nasal airways at any one time. People with nasal blockages may have suffered from previous traumas or inherited disorders. 

The blockage may also be caused by an accumulation of tissue and local inflammation in other cases. This might make you wonder why cant I breathe through my nose.

Having a deviated septum is a frequent ailment that may cause breathing difficulties in the nasal passages. Between the interior of the nose and the outside of the nose lies a thin wall of cartilage. If this cartilage is twisted, it may cause a blockage on one or both sides of the nasal passages.

When it comes to correcting a deviated septum, rhinoplasty may be the best solution. This surgical method allows us to straighten the cartilage in your lungs, allowing you to breathe easily once again.

Having nasal polyps that are causing obstruction of the sinus passages is another issue that necessitates surgical intervention. When there is inflammation in the nose and sinuses, swelling regions such as these might develop. 

When the polyps get big enough, they must be surgically removed since they are obstructing the airway.

why cant i breathe through my nose

Taking Care of the underlying Medical Conditions

You must remember that your symptoms provide hints to the underlying issues that need to be addressed. Some people find brief relief with nasal sprays, while others need emergency medical attention. 

However, treating the underlying illness is the only way to ensure that you can breathe easily through your nose. Hence, you won’t have to worry more about why cant I breathe through my nose.

In the case of a blocked breathing route, a skilled ENT may do a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. It might help to discover the underlying cause. Following that, a customized treatment plan may be developed to assist you in experiencing instant and long-term comfort.

When nasal polyps or a deviated septum cause congestion, it leads to sinus infections. You may think that you’ll need to take another round of antibiotics to get rid of the problem.

Antibiotics may assist to alleviate the symptoms that are present immediately. However, since the nasal passageways obstruct normal drainage from the sinuses, it is usual for the infection to recur. 

You should also consider a surgical approach to remove the physical barrier, which will allow you to avoid repeated infections.

4 Indications That You Should Consult an ENT

If you’re having trouble breathing through your nose, how do you know when it’s time to see an ENT? Some signs that you will benefit from therapy and care provided by an ENT are listed below.

Time duration

If the nasal obstructions persist for more than seven to ten days, you are likely dealing with a chronic issue. When you have a head cold, it is typical to have congestion and trouble breathing. 

If you are no longer suffering from the sickness, your breathing should return to normal.


Headaches may occur if the air passing through the nasal passages is not flowing freely, as it should. Not only are you deficient in oxygen, but sinus pressure may also be a contributing factor to headaches. Hence, you might think why cant I breathe through my nose.

Nose bleeds

Blockages in the nasal passages may cause sinus drainage to become clogged. There may be dry patches on the nose as a consequence of a lack of moisture. If you get nosebleeds, this might be an indication that you have a nasal blockage that requires treatment.

why cant i breathe through my nose


Nonstop snoring is not only bothersome and irritating to your sleeping companion, but it might also be an indication of a serious underlying health problem that needs to be addressed. 

Nasal blockages may also lead to sleep apnea, which is a condition in which breathing is interrupted while you sleep.

How to Relieve Nasal Obstruction?

Nasal obstruction may be aggravating and might interfere with your daily activities. Many people believe that a stuffy nose is caused by an accumulation of mucus in the nasal passages. A congested nose, on the other hand, is almost often the consequence of irritated blood vessels.

A cold, the flu, allergies, or a sinus infection are among the conditions that may cause inflammation of these blood vessels. However, there are simple solutions to alleviate the situation. 

Here are some things you can do right now to improve your overall health and well-being instead of stressing over why cant I breathe through my nose.

Make use of a humidifier

A humidifier may be a simple and effective approach to alleviate sinus discomfort and nasal congestion. The machine transforms water into moisture, which gradually fills the air and raises the room’s humidity level.

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Maintain hydration

It is important to consume enough fluids. Maintaining optimal hydration levels may assist in thinning the mucus in your nasal passages, forcing the fluids out of your nose, and relieving sinus discomfort. Reduced pressure equates to decreased inflammation and discomfort.

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If you also have a sore throat, warm beverages such as tea may help alleviate the pain in your throat.

Make use of a saline spray

Increase hydration by using saline, a saltwater solution. Increase the moisture in your nostrils by using a nasal saline spray. Certain saline sprays include decongestant medicine. Consult your physician before beginning to use saline sprays containing decongestants.

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Try a warm compress

By externally opening the nasal passageways, a warm compress may help reduce some symptoms of nasal congestion. To begin, soak a cloth in warm water to prepare a warm compress. Following that, squeeze the towel dry and drape it over your nose and brow.

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The warmth may give temporary relief from discomfort and aid in the healing of the nostrils’ inflammation. This procedure may be repeated as needed.

Take Away

You may want to have your doctor examine you the next time you find yourself wondering, why cant I breathe through my nose, to determine if you are suffering from a nasal blockage or chronic sinusitis. 

In any scenario, therapy may assist you in alleviating your symptoms and returning to a regular breathing pattern. This will not only make you feel better, but it may also enhance the overall quality of your life. If you try any of the natural remedies, let us know in the comments section!