Shoulder and Tricep Workout

Exercise Daily – Looking for easy and effective shoulder and tricep workouts? If so, then you have come to the perfect place.

Integrating a couple of the finest triceps exercises available into your upper-body fitness regime is a great way to revitalize your upper-body workout. 

Besides making your same-old exercise more interesting, these moves will also help you become tougher both in and out of the gym, which will benefit you in the long run.

You will be able to run faster and lift heavier weights when you are strength training if you have strong triceps. The muscle in your arms assists during sprints because it enables you to use your arms to “kick” your body behind you to drive you ahead.

So, before moving towards shoulder and tricep workout, let’s have a look at can you train both your shoulders and triceps at the same time.

Can You Train Shoulders And Triceps Together?

The ability to hit two birds with one stone, or in this instance, two muscle groups in one training session, is something that everyone should strive to attain. 

The shoulders and the triceps are two distinct muscles that may be worked in the same session without interfering with the growth of the other’s muscle.

As a result, should you exercise your shoulders and triceps at the same time?

Yes, you may exercise both your shoulders and triceps at the same time. Because they are both ‘pushing’ exercises, it is excellent to combine them together in a workout. 

Just remember to start with compound movements that target both of these muscle regions, such as the bench press, before progressing to isolated accessories, such as rope tricep press downs to get the most out of your workout.

5 Best Shoulder and Tricep Workout

Overhead Triceps Extension

Shoulder and Tricep Workout

  • Extend your arms directly over your head, gripping the end of one dumbbell in both hands.
  • Maintain your biceps close to your ears and bend your elbows to gently descend the dumbbell behind your head. This is the starting position for this workout.
  • Straighten your elbows and raise your arms above again. That’s one rep for you.
  • Perform six to fifteen repetitions, then quickly go on to the next exercise, taking just as much time as you need to relax.
  • Keep in mind that you’ll be doing two biceps movements, two triceps movements, and two shoulder pushes in total.
  • Following completion of all six movements, take a 30- to 60-second break and then continue for three to four more rounds.

If done correctly, Overhead Triceps Extension is one of the best shoulder and tricep workouts.

Plank Up-Down

Plank Up-Down

  • Start in a high plank position having your palms, hands on the ground, and your hands shoulder-width apart. 
  • Your shoulders should be precisely above your wrists, your legs stretched behind you, and your core and glutes engaging. 
  • Make sure your feet are at least hip-width apart.
  • Lower your right arm down until your forearm is resting on the floor, then repeat the process with your left arm to complete the movement. 
  • You should be in the forearm plank posture at this point.
  • Reposition your right hand back on the floor to stretch your arm, and then repeat the process with your left arm so that you finish up back in a high plank position. That’s one repetition.
  • Make every effort to maintain your hips completely steady so that they are not swinging from side to side as you move. 
  • Increasing the width of your feet’s positioning may make this process simpler.

Plank Up-Down includes both shoulder and tricep workout training.

Plank with Biceps Curl

Plank with Biceps Curl

  • To begin, enter a plank posture with dumbbells in your hands on the ground immediately below your shoulders and your wrists straight.
  • Maintaining a firm core and hips, gently curl the right dumbbell toward the right shoulder.
  • Reverse the motion and lower it back down with control. Repeat on the opposite side. That’s one rep for you.
  • Perform six to fifteen repetitions, then quickly go on to the next workout, taking just as much time as you need to recoup.
  • Keep in mind that you’ll be doing two biceps movements, two triceps movements, and two shoulder pushes in total.
  • Following completion of all six movements, take a 30- to 60-second break and then continue for three to four more rounds.

Triceps Dips

Triceps Dips

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, with your backside against a box or step.
  • Take the box and rest your hands on top of it, fingers pointing toward you. Start by placing your hands on the box if it is very high.
  • Then walk your heels out to the side of the box, allowing you to comfortably drop your body in front of the box without striking the box.
  • To lower yourself without fully sitting down, straighten your arms to raise and bend your elbows to lower yourself. That is one repetition.
  • Keep your heels firmly planted on the floor and your elbows pointing straight behind your body while doing this movement (not flared out to the side).

Triceps Dips, is no doubt, among the best shoulder and tricep workouts.

Pushup to Bent-Over Row

Pushup to Bent-Over Row

  • With feet hip-distance apart and body parallel to the floor, begin in a quarter-squat with palms facing each other and dumbbells in hands. 
  • Maintain this position for the rest of the exercise.
  • Jump feet back into high plank position after lowering weights to the floor in front of them with straight wrists.
  • Push yourself up and then jump your feet back behind the weights to return to the starting position.
  • Row the weights toward the ribs, keeping the elbows close to the sides of the body. Return to the starting position to do with control. That counts as one rep.
  • Perform six to fifteen repetitions, then quickly go on to the next activity, taking just as much time as you need to relax.
  • Keep in mind that you’ll be doing two biceps movements, two triceps movements, and two shoulder pushes in total.
  • Following completion of all six movements, take a 30- to 60-second break and then continue for three to four more rounds.

Shoulder and Tricep Workout – FAQs

Should I Do Chest Shoulders and Triceps on the Same Day?

The more you are challenged, the more you change. This concept may be used for chest and triceps exercises in a workout on the same day. The chest and triceps coordinate the majority of pushing motions from the shoulder so that they can indeed be combined.

Is it OK to Do Biceps and Triceps Together?

Tricep and bicep are all right to work on the same day. Both the biceps and triceps are in the upper arm but in different locations. Based on their belongings to various muscle groups: one rear and one anterior, biceps and triceps may be performed on the same day.

Can You Do All Upper Body In One Day?

For most people, on day one, the ideal exercise is to do upper body, take a day off, and then do bottom body. Muscles need time to repair and recuperate after an intensive exercise. 

You should avoid overworking any muscle group since doing so may result in injury and long-term harm.