Exercise Daily – Looking for natural remedies for receding gums? If so, then you have to the right place.

Dental disease is a condition in which the gum tissue that covers the teeth wears away or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth, or the tooth’s root, over time. 

The formation of “pockets,” or gaps, between the teeth and gum line happens as a result of gum recession, making it easier for disease-causing bacteria to colonize. 

Untreated, the supporting tissue and bone components of the teeth may cause severe damage, and this can eventually lead to tooth loss if not addressed.

Gum recession is a frequent dental issue that affects many people. Because gum recession happens gradually, the majority of people are unaware that they have it. 

The initial indication of gum recession is generally dental discomfort, but you may also notice that a tooth appears longer than it should be at this point. A notch can usually be felt at the gum line, which indicates that it is there.

Causes of Receding Gums

Before moving towards natural remedies for receding gums, let’s have a quick overview of the reasons that cause receding gums.

There are a variety of causes that might contribute to your gums receding, including the following:

Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal diseases are a group of illnesses that affect the gums. These are bacterial gum infections that damage gum tissue as well as the supporting bone that keeps your teeth in their proper position. Gum recession is mostly caused by periodontal disease.


Some individuals may be more vulnerable to gum disease than others. In fact, according to some research, up to 30% of the population may be prone to gum disease, irrespective of how well they cared for their teeth at the time.

Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Tooth brushing is overly aggressive. It is possible to cause the enamel of your teeth to wear away and your gums to recede if you brush your teeth too hard or in the incorrect manner.

Insufficient Dental Care

It is very simple for plaque to convert into calculus (tartar) if you do not brush, floss, and rinse your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash on a regular basis. 

Calculus (tartar) is a hard material that accumulates on and between your teeth and can only be removed by a professional dentist. It has the potential to cause gum recession.

Changes in Hormone Levels

Variations in female hormones during a woman’s life, such as those associated with adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause, might make her gums more sensitive and prone to gum recession, which can lead to tooth loss.

Using Tobacco Products

People who smoke are more likely to have sticky plaque on their teeth that is difficult to remove and can lead to gum recession.

Clenching and Grinding Teeth

You are clenching and grinding your teeth. Clashing or grinding your teeth can exert excessive stress on the teeth, causing the gums to recede and get infected.

Natural Remedies for Receding Gums

The following are some of the effective natural remedies for receding gums:

Natural Mouth Wash (Recipe)

Mouth wash also provides a natural effect to prevent any bacterial infections in your mouth. We have an effective natural mouth wash recipe that you can use to treat any type of mouth diseases:

  • 8 oz Rose Water 
  • 1 oz Apple cider vinegar 
  • 1 Teaspoon of Pink or Sea Salt
  • Mix well

For better and immediate effect, use the mouth wash regularly after brushing your teeth at bedtime.

Cortas Premium Rose Water 10 oz

Cortas Premium Rose Water 10 ozBuy on Amazon

Cortas Premium Rose Water is imported from Beirut, Lebanon. You can use it in your mouth wash to treat your dental problems.

Not only in mouth wash, but you can use it in different cooking products such as desserts, sponge cakes, and cookies. Since rose water has many health benefits, a lot of specialists also suggest it for skin smoothness.

Oil pulling

According to a 2009 study, the ayurvedic technique of oil pulling was found to be effective in reducing plaque in those who had gingivitis.

Try swishing a spoonful of high-quality coconut oil around your mouth for around 20 minutes to see if it works for you. 

Oil is “pulled” between your teeth as a result of this swishing action. After that, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with a warm tap or saline water before brushing your teeth.

Sesame oil has always been the oil of choice for this approach. However, according to a 2012 study conducted by the Athlone Institute of Technology on tooth decay, coconut oil may be able to prevent the Streptococcus mutans bacterium from destroying tooth enamel.


Guggul, Guduchi, licorice, and extracts from other herbs are used to make Septilin, a unique multi-herbal mixture. 

According to the results of clinical research published in the Journal of Periodontal Implant Science in 2014, ingesting Septilin can improve the outcomes of periodontal treatment.

Septilin is available in two different dosage forms: tablet and syrup. Adults should take two tablets twice daily or two teaspoons of syrup three times daily, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Sore, red, or swollen gums may be treated by rinsing with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. In order to utilize hydrogen peroxide as a natural treatment for receding gums, follow these steps:

  • Mix together 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and 1/4 cup of water.
  • For around 30 seconds, swish the liquid around in your mouth.
  • Do not swallow the rinse; instead, spit it out.
  • You should do it two to three times each week.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a kind of succulent plant that provides a variety of health advantages. According to a 2017 study, topical use of aloe vera gel (AVG) may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.

An investigation of the effects of topical AVG on dental health following routine scaling and root planing (SRP) therapy for chronic periodontitis was carried out in this research. 

This procedure cleans the teeth both above and below the gum line, and it has been shown to decrease gum inflammation in certain patients.

During the course of the study, each patient got two separate treatments in various regions of their mouth. 

Two areas were treated with SRP alone. In contrast, another received a combination of SRP therapy and AVG injections into the gums in the other region.

The findings revealed that the gum health of the mouth regions that got therapy with SRP treatment and AVG injections was considerably improved when compared to the gum health of the mouth areas that received only SRP treatment.

Natural Remedies for Receding Gums – FAQs

Can Receding Gums Grow Back?

Receding gums can result from a variety of factors, including poor oral care, brushing too hard, and the natural aging process. 

It is not possible for your gum tissue to regenerate like other types of tissue may. Receding gums don’t regrow as a result of this condition.

How Can I Stop My Gums Receding Further?

The most effective method of preventing gum recession is to maintain proper oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Moreover, visit your dentist or periodontist at least twice a year or more frequently if necessary.

What Vitamins Should I Take For Receding Gums?

Vitamin C helps to maintain the health of your gums and the soft tissue of your mouth. It can help to guard against gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. Moreover, it can also help to keep your teeth from becoming loose.