Is it Bad to Workout the Same Muscles Everyday?

Exercise Daily – Is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday? Yes, because you will be working hard with the decreased result every next day.

The fact that you’re pushing the same muscle group over and over again means that you’re creating more damage than necessary before the prior damage can be fully cured. 

So you’re putting in a lot of effort but seeing fewer outcomes as time passes. Imagine that every time you workout, you are digging a little hole.

Also read: How many exercises per workout you should do?

Why Should You Not Workout the Same Muscles Every Day?

Is it Bad to Workout the Same Muscles Everyday?

It’s either go big or go home, right? Those seeking rapid muscle growth may believe that the harder and more frequently they work out, the faster they will see results. 

This is not necessarily the case, though. In most cases, however, the reverse is true. Muscles require rest in order to grow, develop strength, and operate at their best.

Here are three reasons why you should avoid using the same muscles every day, as well as information on how to plan an effective workout schedule.

Your Muscle-Building Plans Are Failing

Ironically, training the same muscles over and over again is one of the most ineffective strategies to gain muscle mass. The working muscles develop microscopic tears as a result of strength training.

According to Muscle Growth, Heal, and Preservation: A Mechanistic Approach, it is only when you allow your muscles time to rest and recuperate that they are able to repair themselves by pumping more blood to the injured muscles leading them to become bigger and stronger.

If you do not include recovery time in your exercise routine, this process will not take place (or will take place but will not have enough time to complete), and your muscles will not develop. If you do not include recovery time in your exercise routine, your muscles will not expand.

So, let’s find is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday?

You Run the Risk of Burning Out and Giving Up

When you train the same muscles every time you go to the gym, you might get fatigued and hurt all of the time. 

Going to the gym without any energy or excitement makes it unlikely that you will give your all to your workout. And if you don’t put in your best effort in each session, you won’t notice any results, which will set off a downward spiral.

When you take a rest between workouts, your muscles are able to recover. According to research published in PLOS One in December 2019, altering your routine with different workouts that train different muscle groups can help raise your motivation. 

Moreover, it gives the same muscle-building effects as a progressive overload can help boost your motivation.

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Injury Risk Increases

According to a review published in the Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research in December 2018, using the same muscles excessively hard and for an extended period of time without adequate rest can result in overuse injuries.

Lifting weights and other muscle-building exercises place stress on your tendons, which are the connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. If your tendons do not get enough rest, they can get inflamed, which will result in discomfort. 

Furthermore, if your muscles are fatigued from your prior strength exercise, your technique may become sloppy, increasing your chance of injury throughout the workout.

It’s critical to concentrate on the action of the muscle group you’re training and to complete every aspect of a particular exercise with proper technique in order to get the most out of each session — and, just as importantly, to avoid injury. 

Exercise carefully and slowly, moving through the whole range of motion of each muscle, which can be difficult to accomplish if you are experiencing discomfort.

So, now you know why is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday.

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Schedule Some Time for Rest and Recovery

According to the second edition of the United States government’s Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, a minimum of two strength-training exercises each week is advised.

Nevertheless, according to the American Council on Exercise, you must allow yourself at least one complete rest day in between each training session for every specific muscle group. 

Even in that case, if your muscles are still painful from the prior session, you should avoid training them until they have completely healed.

Create a schedule for your workouts so that you practice a variety of upper and lower muscle groups on a variety of days. 

On the first day, you may exercise the lower body muscles (abdominals, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles), and the following day, while these muscles are resting and rebuilding, you might train your chest, back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps. This pattern can be repeated several times.

Also, make sure to schedule time for stretching and foam rolling as necessary. According to a review published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in August of this year, even six to ten minutes of active recovery can have a significant impact on athletic performance.

Should You Always Perform The Same Workout?

Is it Bad to Workout the Same Muscles Everyday?

You may find it difficult to be convinced to change your routine if you have one or two that you love. You have a clear understanding of what you’re doing and how long it will take. We’re all creatures of habit, whether we like it or not.

As time goes on, you’ll find that this routine gets less difficult to complete than it was the first time you tried it out. So, now you know is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday.

When it comes to dealing with the stress, you’re placing on your body. Your body has already made the critical adjustments and modifications that it requires to survive. After a period, it is no longer necessary to make any further modifications. 

You are no longer putting yourself to the test. Progress and development will reach a stalemate at this time. You will not become any stronger, quicker, or more fit as a result of this.

If you want to make progress on your fitness quest, you must make some adjustments. You need to increase the amount of time you devote to a task. 

Alternatively, reduce the amount of time you spend doing it. You should increase the amount of weight you use. Alternatively, increase the number of reps—likewise, sets. In order to continue improving, the intensity of the workout must be increased as well.

Tips For Changing Your Workout Routine

In order to keep things interesting, it’s a good idea to change stuff around a little. However, saying it is easier than doing it. To put it into practice, consider the following:

Every week, set aside a day to focus on something else

If you’re a fan of a certain sort of exercise, challenge yourself to try something new on one of the seven days of the week. 

If you’ve never run before, start with a jog and work your way up. However, if you often avoid the weights department, consider picking up a set of dumbbells to supplement your routine. 

You may continue to concentrate on and make progress in your favorite exercise area while also participating in a weekly session of something different. So, let’s see if is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday.

Experiment with variations

There are a few really basic go-to exercises that you can incorporate into your regimen that may make up the majority of your time. And it is exactly what they should do. Lifting heavyweights in a variety of ways may help you achieve a well-rounded fitness level. 

Squats, lunges, deadlifts, pushups, rows, and overhead presses are all excellent compound exercises that can help you develop a well-rounded fitness level. However, if you become bored with them, you may take them and add a variant to them. 

Try the deficit deadlift to see how it works. A squat followed by a press or a push-up to the renegade row. To make them more full-body, more effective, or tougher, there is an unlimited number of tweaks and modifications you can apply to them.

Partition your body

Some folks are accustomed to doing things like this—day for the chest and back. The day is dedicated to the arms and shoulders. Every different day necessitates a different approach to the body. Others may find this a little strange. 

Even if you aren’t ready to delve into the bushes, it’s perfectly OK. You might perhaps not have a lot of spare time to devote to going to the gym on a regular basis. Simply dividing your strength training days into upper and lower body segments may be sufficient. 

Then, if possible, incorporate a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session or a cardio session into your routine. 

You’ll be able to concentrate a little better as a result of this without running out of time. You could discover new equipment and workouts that you were previously unaware of. So, now you know why is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday.

Try out new gyms

If only there was a way to use a single flexible pass to visit a variety of different gyms with a variety of different sorts of equipment. In addition, check out what more is available, such as a swimming pool, spa, larger gym floor, additional equipment, and classes. 

A great way to ensure diversity in your routine is to interrupt it and travel to a new location that you haven’t visited before.


Is it possible for a muscle to heal in 24 hours?

It is possible that your muscles may be able to heal in 24 hours after a very modest activity; nevertheless, an intense workout may take two to three days to fully recover. 

Workouts that are really tough may take much longer. Other factors that might influence your healing time include how well you sleep and how much exercise you get.

How long should you rest muscles?

After you’ve worked out a certain muscle group, give it a day or two of rest to recover. This provides your muscles with an opportunity to mend and recover. 

Work out various muscle groups on the other days of the week. Be careful to engage opposing muscles in order to maintain your body’s equilibrium.

Is it possible to work out the same muscle twice in one day?

To effectively gain muscle, you must allow the muscle groups you have been training to heal, rebuild, and recover from their workouts for an extended period of time. 

Doing two intensive workouts, each lasting an hour and focusing on the same muscle area twice a day, is probably not the best thing for your health and fitness. Lifting large weights is an activity from which we must recover afterward.

So, now you know why is it bad to workout the same muscles everyday.


Most people avoid using the same workout routines and activities every day in order to avoid monotony in their workouts. 

Consequently, in order to become stronger or to enhance your general fitness, you must continually challenge yourself, for example, by adding heavier weights or exercising new muscle groups in a different manner.

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