how to treat a burn from a hot pan

Exercise Daily – Ouch! Your finger touched a pan of brownies that had just come out of the oven at 350 degrees. How to treat a burn from a hot pan? Just wondering, will those brownies be delectable enough to compensate for the furious red mark that has appeared on your finger? 

A lot of questions come to our minds when we face something like this. What kind of burn is a burn from a hot pan – and what are the possible remedies.  In this article, we will talk about treating and assessing the degree of burn from a hot pan. 

Furthermore, this article will discuss whether it is appropriate to utilize home remedies, seek help from a first aid kit, or seek professional medical attention.

First-degree burns, or those that just damage the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), are most likely what you’re dealing with right now. It will begin to peel in a few days.

how to treat a burn from a hot pan

It’s possible that you’ll get a second-degree burn if you really push down on the pan, or worse, the oven rack. This is the sort of burn that spreads into the dermis, or bottom layer of skin. It also causes blisters to appear on the skin in addition to turning it red.

Degrees of Burn

Before we move forward, let’s talk about different degrees and extents to which one might burn. It is particularly important to determine the type of treatment or remedial action.

Among domestic injuries, small burns are the most prevalent. Consider the following scenario: you are making pancakes in a pan. Meanwhile, you start thinking about eating them for breakfast and your hand accidentally touched the hot pan. 

Now, will those pancakes compensate for the red stain that has appeared on your hand? No, not even a slight burn is pleasant, and a severe burn is considerably worse. So how to treat a burn from a hot pan like this?

The kind of burn therapy you need is determined by the degree of the burn. Burns are classified according to the degree of the burn and are divided into four categories:

First-Degree Burns

The epidermis, the uppermost layer of skin, is the most occasionally burned. However, it is the least severe of the burns. The following are some of the symptoms of this kind of burn:

  • There is a little redness
  • Swelling on a minor scale
  • There are no signs of blisters

If you see these indicators, you should consider yourself to have a first-degree burn, which you may cure at home. It is critical to respond quickly in any situation. If you have a first-degree burn, plunge that finger into cold water for approximately five minutes.

Second-Degree Burns

Such burns affect the dermis, which is the second layer of skin underneath the epidermis. Symptoms may include any of the following:

  • Extreme flushing of the skin
  • Excruciating pain
  • Blisters
  • The impacted region would be smaller than 3 inches in circumference

The majority of the time, a second-degree burn may be treated at home with the help of a competent first aid kit. Dip your finger into cool water for about ten minutes. However, if the blisters are huge and very painful, it is possible that medical assistance may be necessary.

Third-Degree Burns

An acute third-degree burn is considered serious because it affects both the epidermis and the dermis, which are the outermost layers of the skin. When the following conditions are met, a third-degree burn is considered

  • The burn area is more than 3 inches in diameter
  • Burn occurred in various shades of white, brown, and black
  • You are experiencing tremendous discomfort
  • Numbness as a result of nerve injury

A third-degree burn has a higher risk of infection and should be treated in a hospital. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible. However, you know how to treat a burn from a hot pan, when now we know it’s only first-degree, and not serious.

Fourth-Degree Burn

It is the most severe of all, damages the majority of the body’s layers, and penetrates deeper into the body. Muscles, tendons, and joints are all affected.

In order to avoid the risk of death, third and fourth-degree burns should be treated in the hospital immediately.

Preliminary Steps to Prevent Damage

Do not use ice since it may cause tissue damage. If you have accidentally burnt your wrist or arm while wearing clothing that adheres to the burn, immediately submerge the affected region in cold water.

how to treat a burn from a hot pan

After that, be sure to thoroughly clean the burnt area with mild soap and water. After that, wrap it with sterile gauze to prevent infection. The burn impact does not disappear immediately. It continues to advance for another 24 to 48 hours, manifesting itself as an evolution of redness, blisters, and peeling. 

Don’t go overboard with the butter! That’s an old wives’ tale, and it’s an anti-remedy, to be honest. Butter maintains heat and has the potential to be contaminated by microorganisms.

What Are the Causes of Burns?

A burn may be caused by a variety of factors. Most burns are caused by thermal sources such as fire, hot liquids, steam, and contact with hot surfaces. You should know the causes in order to know how to treat a burn from a hot pan, an oven, or from anything else.

Some of the factors include being exposed to:

  • Chemicals such as cement, acids, and drain cleaners
  • Radiation
  • Electricity
  • Sun (Ultraviolet or UV light).

What Are the Indications And Symptoms of Burns?

It is common for the symptoms to be severe within the first few hours or days after a burn. Among the signs and symptoms of burns are:

  • Blisters
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • White or Charred Skin
  • Peeling Skin

Burn Diagnosis

Your healthcare expert will evaluate the burn to establish the severity and extent of the damage. This procedure entails determining the proportion of the body that has been burned as well as the depth of the burn. 

The following are possible classifications for the burn according to your provider

Minor Burns

First- and second-degree burns that cover less than ten percent of the body are considered minor. They do not need hospitalization in the majority of cases.

Moderate Burns

Moderate burns are second-degree burns that cover around 10% of the body’s surface area. Acute burns to the hands and feet as well as the face and genitals may vary from mild to severe.

Severe Burns

Those who have suffered severe third-degree burns that cover more than one percent of their bodies.

What is the Best Way to Manage or Treat Burns?

The therapy for burns differs based on the origin and degree of the burn. For instance, if you ask how to treat a burn from a hot pan, home remedies would be enough!

In order to prevent infection, you must keep all burns clean and use appropriate bandages or dressings. It usually depends on the severity of the wounds. Effective pain management is essential because insufficient control may interfere with wound care.

Follow up on any symptoms of infection or other long-term problems. These might include scarring or tightness of the skin over joints and muscles. Such problems make it difficult to move the affected area.

Treatments for different types of burns include the following.

First Degree Burns Treatment

how to treat a burn from a hot pan

Run cold water over the burn. Do not apply ice to the skin. Aloe vera gel may be used to soothe sunburns. Thermal burns should be treated with antibiotic cream and gauze, which should be applied softly. You may also get pain relief with over-the-counter medications.

Second Degree Burns Treatment

The treatment for second-degree burns and first-degree burns is much the same. Your healthcare practitioner may recommend a stronger antibiotic cream that includes silver. This includes silver sulfadiazine, to help kill germs in the affected area. 

Elevating the burnt region might help to alleviate the pain and edema associated with it.

Third Degree Burns Treatment

Third-degree burns are potentially life-threatening. Unlike how to treat a burn from a hot pan, third-degree burn treatments are complicated. They often need the use of skin transplants.

Skin grafts are used to replace damaged tissue with healthy skin taken from another portion of the person’s body that has not been affected. The location where the skin transplant is removed usually heals on its own within a few weeks. 

Nonetheless, if the individual does not have enough skin accessible at the time of damage, a temporary supply of skin graft may come from a dead donor or from a human-made (artificial) source. However, these will ultimately need to be replaced by the person’s own skin. 

Extra fluids (which are normally administered intravenously, through an IV) are also provided to maintain blood pressure stable and avoid shock and dehydration from occurring.

What Are the Dangers of Burns and their Complications?

Third-degree burns that are deep and involve a big area of skin are very dangerous and may be life-threatening if not treated immediately. 

Even first- and second-degree burns are susceptible to infection, which may result in discoloration and scarring. Scarring is not a problem with first-degree burns.

Following are some of the issues that might arise from third-degree burns

  • Arrhythmia
  • Dehydration
  • Scars and contractures 
  • Edema
  • Failure of an organ
  • Pneumonia
  • Hypotension (severely low blood pressure)
  • An extremely serious infection that may result in amputation or sepsis

Burns are never pleasant, whether you burn your hand on a pan of cookies, spend too much time in the sun, or spill hot coffee on your lap. Unfortunately, burns are one of the most prevalent types of injuries that occur in the home. 

Remedies on How to Treat a Burn From a Hot Pan

Continue reading to find out which home remedies are the most effective for mending your skin, as well as which therapies should be avoided.

Mild burns often heal in a week or two and do not leave scars. They are also less likely to cause infection. In burn therapy, the objective is to alleviate pain, prevent infections, and speed up the healing process of the skin.

Drink Plenty of Cool Water

In the event of a mild burn, the first step you should do is to run cool (not cold) water over the affected area for about 20 minutes. After that, wash the burnt area with a light soap and water to remove any remaining char.

Cold Compresses

Applying a cold compress or a clean damp towel to the burn area will help to reduce pain and swelling. You may apply the compress in five- to fifteen-minute intervals throughout the day. 

Avoid using cold compresses for an extended period of time since they may aggravate the burn even more.

Antibiotic Ointment

Antibiotic ointments and lotions help prevent infections from occurring. Immediately after applying an antimicrobial ointment such as Bacitracin or Neosporin to your burn, cover it. You can use a cling film or a sterile, non-fluffy bandage or towel. 

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So, if you are looking for an ointment for how to treat a burn from a hot pan, antibiotic ointment is the best choice.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is often referred to as the “burn plant.” Aloe vera seems to be useful in the healing of first- to second-degree burns. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to increase circulation, and helps to prevent germs from growing. 

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A thin coating of pure aloe vera gel extracted from the leaf of an aloe vera plant should be applied directly to the afflicted region to provide relief. If you purchase it from a shop, be sure it has a high concentration of aloe vera in the formula. 

Avoid items that include additives, particularly those containing colouring or scent.


Honey has just become a whole lot sweeter. With the application of honey topically to a small burn, it may provide additional benefits apart from its delectable flavour. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being naturally antibacterial and antifungal.

Limiting Exposure to the Sun

Make every effort to keep the burn from being exposed to direct sunlight. The skin that has been scorched will be very sensitive to the sun. Clothing should be worn to protect it.

Avoid Popping your Blisters

Leave your blisters alone, no matter how tempting it may seem. Attempting to burst a blister on your own might result in infection. You might not know how to treat a burn from a hot pan, but avoiding popping blisters is an important aspect.

If you’re concerned about blisters that have grown as a result of your burn, consult with a medical practitioner.

OTC Pain Medication

If you are experiencing discomfort, you should consider using an over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicine. These include ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). Make sure you follow the directions on the packaging for the proper dose.

Practices To Avoid For Burns

Strange home remedies and old wives’ tales for curing burns are present everywhere. However, not everything your relatives advise you to do is beneficial to your health and well-being. There are a number of typical home burn cures that should be avoided:

Use of Butter

As a burn treatment, there is little to no evidence to support the use of butter as a treatment. On top of that, it has the potential to make your burn much worse. Butter not only helps to retain heat, but it also may contain hazardous microorganisms that may infect the injured skin. 

So, keep your butter for slicing on your bread.

Oils and Fats

Contrary to common perception, coconut oil does not have universal healing properties. Oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, and cooking oils, keep heat in. This may even cause the skin to continue to burn for the same reasons that you shouldn’t apply butter. 

Don’t get too desperate to try anything about how to treat a burn from a hot pan!

Lavender oil is said to be beneficial in the treatment of burns, however there is little published research to back up this claim.

Egg Whites

Uncooked egg whites provide a danger of bacterial infection and should not be applied to a burn. Eggs may also trigger an allergic response in certain people.

Mouthwash and Toothpaste

Never put toothpaste on a burn because it will make it worse. This is just another tale that has no supporting proof. Toothpaste has the potential to aggravate the burn and produce an environment more conducive to infection. Furthermore, it is not sterile.


It is possible that ice and very cold water can aggravate your burn area even more. If handled incorrectly, ice may even create a cold burn on the skin.

When Should You See the Doctor?

It’s critical to understand when a burn may be treated at home and when it’s necessary to seek medical attention. If you have a burn that affects a large section of your body, you should seek medical attention.

  • Burn that may affect the face, hands, buttocks, or groin region
  • The wound becomes inflamed or foul-smelling
  • Body temperature rises to a dangerous level
  • If it has been more than 5 years since your last tetanus vaccine
  • You believe you have a third-degree burn

Although it’s simple how to treat a burn from a hot pan, it’s different for third and fourth-degree burns. These burns should never be attempted to be treated at one’s own house. They provide a severe danger of serious consequences, such as infections, blood loss, and shock, among others. 

how to treat a burn from a hot pan


Aside from being too dangerous for home therapy, electrical shock burns are also too dangerous for home treatment. These burns often penetrate many layers into the epidermis and may even cause harm to internal organs. 

It’s possible that the interior damage is more severe than you anticipated. Don’t take any risks with your life!

Prevention of Burns

Burns may occur as a result of a variety of accidents. You may take the following precautions to lower your risk of burns:

  • Don’t forget to use sunscreen
  • Reduce the temperature of your home’s hot water heater within safe limits
  • When taking a shower or bath, always test the water before stepping in
  • Chemicals, lighters, and matches should be kept locked away
  • When cooking, use the rear burners of the stove as much as possible
  • Turn pot and panhandles so that they won’t be bumped
  • Don’t leave the stove unattended for long periods of time
  • Avoid holding your infant while you are near hot things such as a stove
  • Place safety precautions around a fireplace and never leave a youngster unsupervised
  • Install smoke detectors in your house and test them on a regular basis
  • Make sure you have fire extinguishers in your house and that you know how to use them
  • Shield the electrical outputs

If you know how to treat a burn from a hot pan or any other home utensil, treat it on your own. However, if it’s not possible, don’t hesitate to contact the doctor right away!


The majority of first- and second-degree burns recover within two to three weeks if they are treated properly. Depending on the degree of the burn, you may have some scarring, which may dissipate with time. 

Physical and occupational therapy is necessary for those who have suffered third-degree burns in order to retain joint mobility and enhance function. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are common in some patients who have had a burn injury. Many persons who suffer burns covering up to 90% of their body are able to live because of medical improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I heal a burn quickly?

Immerse the burn immediately in cool tap water or use cold, moist compresses to relieve the pain. Continue to do so for about 10 minutes, or until the discomfort has subsided. Apply petroleum jelly two to three times a day, depending on your skin type. 

Keep ointments, toothpaste, and butter from coming into contact with the burn since they may trigger an infection. So, even if you know how to treat a burn from a hot pan, be careful.

How do you stop a burn from throbbing?

Applying a cold compress or a clean damp towel to the burn area will help to reduce pain and swelling. You may apply the compress in five- to fifteen-minute intervals throughout the day. Avoid using cold compresses for an extended period of time since they may aggravate the burn.

Can I put Vaseline on a burn?

Apply a small coating of ointment to the burn, such as petroleum jelly or aloe vera. Let it sit for a while. Antibiotics are not required to be included in the ointment without a doctor’s consultation. Some antibiotic ointments are known to induce adverse reactions in some people. 

Use of cream, lotion, oil, cortisone, butter, or egg white is strictly prohibited.

Should I put ice on a burn?

Don’t use ice, ice water, or even extremely cold water on your burn. Severe burns should not be treated with ice or ice water since this might cause more tissue damage. The most important thing to do is to cover the burn with a clean towel or sheet.

How do you numb a burn?

Remove the cold compress from the burnt area and apply cool (not cold) water to it until the pain subsides. Ice is not the right choice even for how to treat a burn from a hot pan. Protect the burnt area with a dry, sterile bandage or other dressing to prevent it from becoming infected.

Final Word

Accidental burns happen all the time. Children and older adults are at the greatest risk of becoming victims. All deep burns require treatment in order to avoid infection and scarring in the future. 

Third-degree burns are the most dangerous form of burn and may be fatal if not treated immediately. First- and second-degree burns, on the other hand, are more painful. 

If you or a loved one suffers from a blistering burn, seeking medical assistance as soon as possible will help the wound recover more quickly. Consult with your healthcare professional about strategies to reduce the risk of unintentional burns in your family.