Exercise Daily – Do you want to improve your core strength and stability? If so, cobra push-ups are a great exercise to add to your routine!

This move is a variation of the traditional push-up and targets the abs and lower back. It is a bit more challenging than the standard push-up, but it is worth adding to your workout!

In this article, we will show you how to do cobra push-ups correctly, and discuss some of the benefits they offer.

What is Cobra Push Up?

Cobra Push Ups

A cobra push-up is a bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. This move is a variation of the traditional push-up and is performed by placing your hands on the ground and keeping your feet elevated.

To perform this exercise correctly, you must maintain good form throughout the entire range of motion. They tone your arms, shoulders, and chest.

When done correctly, cobra pushups engage all of the muscles in your upper body, including your triceps, biceps, deltoids, and pecs. As a result, this move is an effective way to tone these muscle groups. 

How to Do Cobra Push Ups

Cobra push-ups are a great way to improve upper body strength as well as increase muscle endurance in your core. By adding this exercise to your routine, you will also see an improvement in posture. To do cobra push-ups, follow these steps:

  1. Start in a push-up position with your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart and your feet together.
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the ground.
  3. Press back up to the starting position.
  4. As you press back up, lift your right leg off the ground and kick it forward as high as you can.
  5. Return your right leg to the starting position and repeat with your left leg.
  6. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat for 12-15 reps.

As you become stronger, you can increase the number of reps or add weight to make the exercise more challenging. Give cobra push-ups a try and see how they can benefit your workout routine!

Benefits of Cobra Push Ups

Cobra push-ups offer a number of benefits, including:

  1. Improve posture: Doing cobra pushups on a regular basis can help improve your posture by strengthening the muscles in your back and shoulders. 
  2. Increase upper body strength: This exercise is a great way to build strength in your arms and shoulders since it forces you to lift most of your body weight off the ground. 
  3. They can be done anywhere: All you need is a flat surface and enough space to lie down, which makes them perfect for at-home workouts or when you’re traveling and can’t make it to the gym. 
  4. They’re low-impact: Unlike other exercises that put a strain on your joints (think: running), cobra pushups are low-impact and gentle on the body, making them a good option for people with joint pain or other injuries. 
  5. Improve core stability: Since cobra pushups require you to engage your abs and lower back, they are a great way to improve core stability. 
  6. They’re versatile: There are many ways to modify cobra pushups to make them easier or more difficult, which makes them great exercises for all fitness levels.

If you are looking for a way to improve your upper body strength and stability, cobra push-ups are a great option! If you want more strong muscle then give it a try to one arm high cable. This exercise is easy to do and offers a number of benefits.

Common mistakes when doing Cobra Push-Ups:

Not keeping the abs engaged: It is important to keep the abs engaged throughout the entire exercise. Otherwise, you will not be getting the full benefit of the move.

Not keeping the back straight:

It is also important to keep the back straight throughout the cobra push-up. This will help to prevent injury and ensure that you are targeting the correct muscle groups.

Allowing the hips to sag:

Make sure to keep the hips in line with the rest of the body throughout the exercise. This will help to target the correct muscle groups and prevent injury.

Not going all the way down:

In order to get the full benefit of the cobra push-up, it is important to lower your chest all the way to the ground. If you do not, you will not be working the muscles as hard as they can go.

Not kicking the legs high enough:

In order to fully engage the muscles in your core, it is important to kick your legs up as high as you can. If you do not, you will not be getting the full benefit of the exercise.


Q: What is the best way to modify cobra push-ups?

A: There are many ways to modify cobra push-ups. If you are new to the exercise, you can start by doing them on your knees. As you get stronger, you can progress to doing them with your feet on the ground. You can also make the exercise more challenging by adding weight or increasing the number of reps.

Q: What are some other exercises I can do to improve my upper body strength?

A: In addition to cobra push-ups, there are a number of other exercises you can do to improve your upper body strength. These include pull-ups, push-ups, and rows.

Q: How often should I do cobra push-ups?

A: There is no set rule for how often you should do cobra push-ups. However, they can be done every day as part of a workout routine or every other day as part of a maintenance routine. If you are new to exercise, you may want to start by doing them every other day to give your muscles time to adjust. As you get stronger, you can increase the frequency with which you do them.

Q: How do you do a half-cobra push-up?

A: The half cobra push-up is essentially a regular cobra push-up but performed with only half the range of motion. This makes it a bit easier and less intense, which is why it’s ideal for beginners or those who are struggling with the regular cobra.

To do the half-cobra push-up, start in a plank position with your hands flat on the ground directly beneath your shoulders. Then, slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your chest is about an inch away from the ground.

Keep your back straight and your head in line with your spine throughout the entire movement. Then, press yourself back up to the starting position and check here for more details on half cobra pushup.


The cobra push-up is an excellent core workout that can be done anywhere with no equipment needed. It’s a great way to start your day or add to a more comprehensive strength training routine.

Give it a try and see how you feel after just a few weeks of doing them regularly. How do you think adding this exercise would impact the effectiveness of your current core workout routine?