Exercise daily – It is not easy to build muscle if you are a skinny guy. It is even more challenging if you lack time to hit the gym. Suppose this sounds like you. Read on for some advice on how to build muscle. This article will also provide the answer to the question that how long it takes to gain weight. So, let’s dive in.


With the rise of obesity, people are becoming more conscious of their weight and body image. But some people are underweight, which can also cause severe health problems. People with BMI less than 18.5 are underweight.

Being underweight can also be a health risk for women or men because they have less muscle mass than the average woman or man, and their bodies are not strong enough to support their weight.

So, It is essential to maintain a healthy weight and build up your muscles through exercise. This will help you avoid the health risks associated with being underweight.

How Long Does It Take To Gain Weight in Men vs. Women?

Men and women have different weight gain rates. Men gain weight faster than women, but it takes longer for a woman to lose weight than a man. Man can expect to gain 0.5-1kg per month. and women can expect to gain 0.25-0.75kg per month. If you are gaining more than 1kg per month then you are more likely to gain fat than muscle.

how long does it it take to weight gain?

What are the Best Ways to Speed Up Your Weight Gain Process?

This is a question that has been on many people’s minds lately. People want to know the best way to speed up their weight gain.

Enough calories:

Some of the best ways to speed up your weight gain process are by ensuring you are getting enough calories and exercising. We eat 3 big meals a day, which is also not enough; we should eat snacks between the 3 meals. Our stomachs should not remain empty for a longer time. We can choose snacks like fresh fruits, nuts, biscuits, etc.

What type of training is best for gaining weight?

Exercising is also essential because it will help you to gain more muscle.

Resistance training (weight training) is the best way to stimulate the growth of muscles. Research shows that the fastest weight gain is achieved through heavy weights, which we should lift for 6-10 repetitions per set. We should do all these exercises to gain weight in the right places.

We should concentrate on the compound exercises like squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, etc. keep the biceps concentration curls or triceps kickbacks to a minimum; as these produce lower mass gains and should only be added for variety.


muscle gain


How much should I eat?

We should eat more calories than we need for maintenance to gain lean weight. These additional calories should come from a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.


Increase your calorie intake gradually, say 200 a day for a while, then increase it by a further 200 kcal after a week or two. Slow gainers may need to increase their calorie intake by as much as 1000kcal daily.


If you want to gain muscle, you must train very hard, which requires a lot of fuel. So, for this fuel, you need carbohydrates; if you exercise with low muscle glycogen, the risk of excessive protein breakdown increases, which is the opposite of what you want.

In practice, aim to eat an extra 50-100g of carbohydrates.


The recommended protein intake for strength training is 1.4-1.7g/kg body weight. This level of protein intake should support muscle growth. Studies show that increasing your intake above 2.0g/kg body weight produces no further benefit. For example, if your body weight is 80kg, you would need between 112g and 136g of protein daily.


Fat should compromise between 20 to 33% of total calories. Most fat should come from unsaturated sources like olive oil and oils like oily fish, nuts, and seeds.

Post-workout Snacks:

Now we will tell you about the best post-workout snacks you can eat 2 hours after exercise.

  • 1-2 portions of fresh fruit with a drink of milk
  • 1-2 cartons of yogurt.
  • A homemade milkshake (milk with fresh fruit and yogurt)
  • A yogurt drink
  • A handful of dried nuts.

Will weight gain supplements help to gain weight?

There are dozens of supplements available on the market that claim to enhance muscle mass, but many of the claims are not supported by scientific evidence. Supplements that are worth trying are as follows:

Creatinine for weight gain:

Creatinine may help increase performance, strength, and muscle mass. The observed gains in weight in different studies are partly due to an increase in cell fluid volume and partly due to muscle synthesis. Only some studies have found a gain in total body weight only.

Meal Replacement Supplements:

This supplement provides a convenient alternative to solid food. It will not improve your performance but are a convenient addition to your diet if you struggle to eat enough real food.

Protein supplements:

It may benefit you if you have exceptionally high protein requirements or cannot consume enough protein from food alone.

Weight Gain tips and tricks:

  • Put more total eating time into your daily routine. Plan your meal and snack times in advance and never skip or rush them, no matter how busy you are.
  • Increase your meal frequency – Eat at least three meals and three snacks daily. Avoid leaving gaps longer than 3-4 hours, as this would encourage protein breakdown and slow down glycogen storage. 
  • Plan nutritious high-calorie low-bulk snacks, e.g., shake, smoothies, yogurt, nuts, etc.
  • If you are finding it hard to eat enough food, have more drinks such as meal replacement or protein supplements once or twice a day to help bring up your calorie, carbohydrate, and protein intake.
  • Boost the calorie and nutritional contents of your meal. e.g., add dried fruit, bananas, honey, chopped nuts, or seeds to breakfast cereal.  

Weight gain -FAQs:

  1. Can you gain muscle without working out?

It may seem like a difficult task to gain muscle without working out, but it is possible. There are many different ways to build muscle, and one of them is through resistance training. This type of training is a great way to increase the number of muscles in a skinny bodybuilder.

2. How much protein is enough for weight gain?

Proteins are the best nutrients for muscle building. Sources of protein include chicken, lentils, protein shakes, and protein supplements. The recommended amount of protein is 1.4-1.7g/kg for strength training.


The whole conversation concludes that it is important to make sure that you are eating enough carbohydrates and protein during this process because without them your body will not be able to build muscle fast enough. How long it takes to gain weight depends on your body type, your metabolism, your gender, and how much you eat. Will you try these tips and tricks for gaining muscles? Let me know in the comment section below!