Eyes Hurt When I Move them

Exercise Daily – “My eyes hurt when I move them” is one of the most common phrases you may hear. If you are experiencing the same pain, then this article is for you.

Are you having eye pain as you scan a room or gaze out at a breathtaking view of nature? In the event that you are experiencing persistent or occasional eye discomfort, this is something you should not overlook. 

However, in many cases, the treatment is simple and rapid, and it can provide much-needed comfort.

Eye pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including eye dryness, a particle stuck in your eye, or another ailment that might be considerably more serious and result in vision loss and/or discomfort.

Here, we’ll take a deeper look at other probable reasons for your eye discomfort and what you should do when it occurs.

Eyes Hurt When I Move them – Causes

Eyes Hurt When I Move them


It is a disorder in which one eye has lower vision than the other that arises in kids. If a child’s eyesight is not treated for amblyopia, the child’s vision will not grow properly. 

As the kid grows older, his or her brain will begin to “ignore” the picture that is coming from the weak eye. When a kid reaches the age of adolescence, this leads the vision in the affected eye to become progressively worse. 

In order to prevent a kid with amblyopia from developing irreversible vision loss in one eye, it is critical to have him or her periodically examined by an eye specialist. 

Also read: Are Floaters in the Eye Dangerous?

What Is the Cause of Amblyopia?

Amblyopia is a condition that occurs when one eye has a much greater focus than the other. Consider the following scenario: one eye may be extremely nearsighted or have a significant amount of astigmatism, but the other does not. 

It is possible that the child’s brain will begin to neglect the blurry picture after being presented with both a blurry image and a clearly visible one. 

The vision in the eye that is seeing a hazy image will begin to deteriorate even worse if this continues for several months or even several years. So, Amblyopia can be a reason why my eyes hurt when I move them.

In addition to a change in the alignment of the eyes, the brain’s failure to recognize a badly functioning eye may result in the poorly seeing eye moving inwards or outwards, depending on its severity. This is why amblyopia is referred to as “lazy eye” in some contexts.

Strabismus is another type of lazy eye that can result in amblyopia. Strabismus, also known as ocular misalignment, is a condition in which the eyes are unable to concentrate on the same picture at the same time. 

Double vision may develop as a result of this. For this reason, the child’s brain typically chooses to ignore the picture from their deviated eye, resulting in the degeneration of their vision in that eye throughout the course of their life.

Children with other vision problems can’t see clearly in one eye because something is blocking the passage of light through it. There are a variety of reasons for this, including a cataract or a small amount of blood or other foreign material at the back of the eye.

Optic Neuritis

Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the myelin sheath around the optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting visual impulses to the brain. One can think that my eyes hurt when I move them can be a result of optic neuritis.

Axons from the retinal ganglion cells at the rear of the eye branch out to form the optic nerve, which is a neural tract of axons that conducts vision.

The “optic nerves” are the only nerve pathways in the body that are not totally contained within the skull. The optic nerves are responsible for transmitting visual information from the retina to the part of the brain that is responsible for recognizing vision (the occipital cortex).

In children and adults, optic neuritis can affect either one or both of the optic nerves. Optic neuritis is most commonly present in young individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. There is a clear female majority in this group. The incidence rate is around 6.4 per 100,000 people per year.

What Causes Optic Neuritis?

Although the exact cause of optic neuritis is unknown, the majority of cases are believed to be caused by an autoimmune illness. 

The immune system is typically employed by the body to fight infection by generating a response that fights bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other foreign proteins that invade the body’s tissues. 

This reaction is wrongly directed against a normal portion of the body in autoimmune illnesses, resulting in inflammation and the possibility of long-term harm. Optic neuritis is a condition in which the optic nerve gets inflamed, and its function is hindered. So, it can be a reason why my eyes hurt when I move them.

Damage to the protective myelin sheath that coats and insulates the optic nerve, as well as direct damage to the axons of the nerve, resulting in vision loss that can be either transient or permanent in nature.

In many cases, optic neuritis is an early sign of multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath covering nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in swelling, inflammation, and nerve damage. 

Optic neuritis can occur in any part of the body, including the eyes. Optic neuritis usually heals on its own after a few weeks, although it frequently recurs.

Corneal Ulcer

A corneal ulcer is an open sore or epithelial defect in the cornea, which is the transparent structure in the front of the eye that has an underlying infection and inflammation.

This transparent layer of tissue covers the iris, which is the colorful component of the eye and is separated from the iris by the aqueous fluid that fills the anterior chamber.

What Causes of A Corneal Ulcer?

Infections are the most common cause of corneal ulcers. Bacterial infections are a major cause of corneal ulcers in contact lens wearers, and they are particularly dangerous. 

The cornea can be invaded directly by bacteria if the corneal surface has been damaged in any way. Toxins produced by certain bacteria can induce corneal ulcers in some individuals. 

Staphylococcal bacteria are the cause of peripheral ulcerative keratitis, which expresses itself in this way. Moreover, it can be a reason why my eyes hurt when I move them.

A variety of viruses, including the herpes simplex virus (the virus that causes cold sores) and the Varicella virus (the virus that causes both chickenpox and shingles), can produce corneal ulcers, particularly if the ulcer affects the upper eyelid and tip of the nose (herpes zoster ophthalmicus). 

It is possible for these viruses to create corneal ulcers despite their tendency to cause only herpes simplex or herpes zoster keratitis, or corneal conjunctivitis. 

Fungal infections, which can result in corneal ulcers, can arise as a result of incorrect contact lens maintenance or misuse of steroid eyedrops. 

Fungal infections are more common in those who wear contact lenses. Acanthamoeba and other parasites can cause corneal ulcers as well.

Eyes Hurt When I Move them – Treatment

Eyes Hurt When I Move them


The use of saline or saltwater as a home treatment for eye issues has been around for a long time. The alkaline water aids in the removal of debris and discharges from your eyes, which may frequently clog your tear ducts and result in eye troubles as a result. 

In addition, saltwater contains antibacterial properties that are beneficial to your eye health. All you have to do is dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in half a liter of cooled boiling water, then dip a cotton swab or clean cloth into the solution and wash your eyes. For optimal results, repeat this procedure multiple times each day.

Green Tea Bags

Green Tea Bags - Eyes Hurt When I Move them

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Besides the fact that drinking green tea is excellent for your health, it is also possible that the cooled tea bags will provide some health advantages. 

Green tea contains anti-inflammatory and calming qualities that are quite effective. Put the tea bags on top of your eyes when they have cooled down. This will help to decrease inflammation and swelling of the eyes. It can also relieve tension and calm the body.

Warm Compress

Warm Compress - Eyes Hurt When I Move them

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A warm compress is the most straightforward and reliable method of alleviating any type of eye-related discomfort and suffering. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and styles are just a few of the eye diseases that you can treat with this remedy. 

Warm compresses can help you to alleviate symptoms of eyes hurt when I move them.

Many studies have shown that squeezing your eyes for 2-3 minutes with a saturated warm cloth can give relief from eye discomfort and irritation. You can do this three times a day on a regular basis to relieve eye discomfort. 

Always use a clean towel and avoid using hot water in order to avoid burning yourself when cleaning. The use of this method can also assist in the removal of dirt, pus, and dried-up crusts from your eyes.

Use A Humidifier

Eyes Hurt When I Move them

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Another important contributor to eye discomfort and irritation is dry air in your environment. You can also use a humidifier to help you feel better. Low humidity has the potential to cause your tears to evaporate more quickly. 

A humidifier increases the amount of moisture in the air, which helps to keep the eyes moist and minimizes dryness, irritation, and pain in the eyes. Install a humidifier in your room if you frequently wake up in the morning with swollen eyes or if you have pain, especially in the morning.


Eyes Hurt When I Move themBuy on Amazon

For treating eye-related issues, rosewater is a common home treatment. Rosewater’s anti-inflammatory characteristics can aid in the treatment of pink eyes, conjunctivitis, and other forms of inflammation in the eyes. 

Rosewater can be an effective remedy to cure eyes hurt when I move them.

You can use a piece of clean cotton dipped in rose water to gently massage over your closed eyelids. You may even put a few drops of rose water in your eyes if you want to feel better.

Sun Protection

Sun Protection

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It is also possible that direct sunlight or exposure to any type of bright light can aggravate your symptoms and cause your eyes to get watery. 

When you go out, especially in the summer, make sure you have your sunglasses on. If you spend your day sitting in front of the television or working on a computer, take a break after every hour.

FAQs – Eyes Hurt When I Move them

Is it normal for your eyes to hurt when you look to the side?

Optic neuritis is a kind of inflammation that affects the nerve that runs from the back of the eyeball to the brain. 

Multiple sclerosis, as well as other diseases or infections, are so often to blame. Vision loss and, severe discomfort while moving your eyes are the symptoms of this condition.

Does eye strain go away?

Eye strain may be a bothersome condition. In most cases, it is not dangerous and will subside once you have rested your eyes. Moreover, you can use home remedies to alleviate your eye irritation. 

If you have signs and symptoms of eye strain, it’s possible that you have an underlying eye issue that needs treatment.

How long can eye strain last?

If you have a visual issue that is not currently being treated, it is possible that your symptoms will become worse. 

Overall, eye strain is hardly a problem that lasts long. It appears that digital eye strain will normally disappear after an hour of your last engagement with your screen.


To conclude our discussion of “eyes hurt when I move them,” it is obvious that it can be a result of multiple reasons, and the most common one is eye strain.

Don’t touch your eyelids with dirty hands or even just randomly rub them; they’re one of the most sensitive parts of your body. This has the potential to trigger the symptoms of your eye infection. 

Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Moreover, use water or 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer before touching your face or eyes. Use cold water to rinse your eyes and a clean cloth to pat them dry.

Apart from that, be sure to clean and store your contact lenses in the proper manner. Moreover, never share eye makeup or brushes with anyone else. 

When experiencing minor discomfort and eye pain, you can use the home treatments listed above to relieve your symptoms. If the discomfort persists for longer than three days, you should contact an eye specialist.